Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brooks: The Young and the Neuro

David Brooks of the NY Times opined today about what he witnessed at a recent gathering of social-centric neuroscientists. In reviewing what he learned, he observed that many new findings relied upon the notion that "consciousness is too slow to see what happens inside, but it is possible to change the lenses through which we unconsciously construe the world."

Brooks goes on to say, "The hard sciences are interpenetrating the social sciences. This isn’t dehumanizing. It shines attention on the things poets have traditionally cared about: the power of human attachments. It may even help policy wonks someday see people as they really are."

Perhaps, with Brooks' attention being shining upon the field, a boost in excitement will follow.

Article permalink: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/13/opinion/13brooks.html

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